Unsmoked pipes and estate pipes.
Favorable pipes - checked and refurbished in our workshop.
New Pipes
As a workshop for professional pipe repairs and wholesaler for materials related to pipe making, we have contacts with pipe manufacturers and retailers worldwide.
We often get offers for unsmoked brand pipes, be it from overproduction, remaining stocks or business solutions.
We offer these pipes to our customers here. Checked by us and - if necessary - professionally polished.
Estate Pipes

In addition, we offer estate pipes, i.e. pipes that have already delighted a previous owner.
These pipes are cleaned and disinfected by us, deposits in the bowl are completely removed and replaced by smoke paste, mouthpieces and wood are polished.
The result: brand-name pipes from renowned manufacturers at particularly favourable prices. Although with a past, but for the viewer and smoker almost like new.
The special thing about our offer: you see exactly what you are buying,
because with us the photos always show the original pipes.

What only we offer - additional individual mouthpieces
Whether a new pipe or an estate - on request we can supply your pipe with a second mouthpiece, in a different length, a different bite, coloured or as a reading pipe. Without filter or with a hole for 6 or 9 mm filter. In this way, your pipe becomes a unique piece specially adapted to your wishes.